For those of you that have never been snowboarding, let me educate you for a moment. It hurts. its hard. its cold. you fall A LOT. you look like an idiot. 6 year olds fly by you and yell at you to get out of the way "granny". This was my experience this week. Let me first preface this by saying that I had actually been two times before. My first time was basically the most inathletic i have ever felt in my ENTIRE life. (although my company/teacher was fabulous) My second time going was the second most inathletic i have ever felt...yet again great company(Whijer) Well i was told this week "you have to go at least THREE times" For crying out freakin' loud... sigh. Now my commitment was in question... So i went. AND to my immense surprise he was right! Third time is a charm! (kind of) It was still cold and hard and hurt like the dickens but i have to admit that i actually enjoyed the act of snowboarding this time.